Thursday, January 04, 2007


Okay, I need to vent. I just got off the phone with the daycare. I called them, and finally had the "What's going to happen if Andrea's not walking by the end of this month?" conversation. As you can imagine, I didn't like what I heard.

Here's the deal: Andrea is out of the Infant Room at 18 months old (end of January). That's their cut-off age for everyone. She can't stay any longer. And they already have her space promised to someone. She will have to leave the daycare until she is walking steadily on her own. They'll keep in contact with us to monitor her progress. Then, when she is walking, she will likely get the next available space in the Toddler Room.

Here's their reasons why they can't let her in the Toddler Room if she is not walking well: there are 15 children in this room. All of them are walking well. It is a much larger room than the infant room, so they tend to run around a lot with the new freedom. Andrea would be "a sitting duck." A few little ones they've let in who were unsteady on their feet were knocked over and frequently injured. They have NEVER admitted a non-walker to the Toddler Room in their 20-year history.

I made all the pleas and offers I could, but still got the same response: they have NEVER admitted a non-walker to the Toddler Room. It is too dangerous.

Okay, so where does that leave us? Well, we have approximately 3 weeks to get Andrea walking well--not that we haven't been trying for 6 months now.

What have we tried? Put the toys out of reach. Tempt with favourite objects. Stand her in a corner and coax her. Walk with a push toy (which she does). Walk holding onto our hands (which she does). Had her checked by a physiotherapist (she's fine). Today, I even got firm with her--I DEMANDED she walk, and wouldn't let her have favourite objects until she walked (this was unsuccessful, and ended in a huge tantrum).


She just climbed all the way up the stairs on her own while I sat here typing! The girl has strength. The girl has courage. But she refuses to walk on her own.

This is a serious situation. I AM MAD! I am mad at daycare, I am mad at myself (What did I do wrong?), and yes, right now I am mad at Andrea. As awful as that sounds, it's the truth. I love her, but she is driving me nuts. Why won't she just get off her butt and WALK?!


Anonymous said...

I emailed you.

Love, Donna

Anonymous said...

Awh Julie...I can't believe the it legal what they are doing? You did NOTHING wrong. You are a GREAT mom. Andrea's got personality and she's showing it. From all the things she is doing (walking with toys, hands, up the stairs, etc) it sounds like walking alone is right around the corner. Will say a little "walking" prayer for Andrea and you. You are doing everything right. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. Susan xox

Anonymous said...

Ditto with Susan :)

I especially like your comment..."this is just a bump in the road". I remember where you got that. ;P

Love ya!

Aunt Angie said...

From the videos I just watched, she's doing really good. Sounds like she has (I hate to say it)a bit of the Maurice stubborness!! Hang in there kiddo, everything happens for a reason. By the way, this is the first time I got to see all the videos. They're awesome. Luv, kisses, and a walking prayer, Aunt Angie

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