So, for Grama Marty, and all of Andrea's other devoted fans, this post is for you!
I got Andrea to show off for the camera today, and she was very cooperative!
- Andrea loves to push around her little shopping cart, all by herself! She motors all through the kitchen, living room, and down the hallway. She's even pretty good at steering! Also notice the fun she has with her camera, at the end.
- This is one of my favourites. I think it's so cute to see a one-year-old showing and telling you how old she is.
- We are preparing for a Super Bowl party, but Andrea has been doing this one for months now.
- Elmo is one of the characters that Andrea usually recognizes, and she says his name.
- Andrea's doing really well with pointing to, and naming, her body parts.
- Daddy was testing Andrea to see which objects she could point to in her picture book. She also added in some of the noises that the objects make.
- In keeping with our practice of being-nice-to-the-baby, we encourage Andrea's gentle interaction with her dolly. Of course, Daddy has some fun with that . . . but Andrea's too smart for him!
- Andrea loves anything to do with feet--socks (especially smelly ones!), shoes, toes . . .
- I bought this outfit for Andrea when we were visiting Grama Marty and Grampa Rick in Montana, in August. They sent her the cowgirl hat for Christmas. Today, she suddenly decided she wanted to wear the hat and boots; so, I dressed her up in the whole outfit, even though it's still a bit big on her. Surprisingly, she seemed to really enjoy walking in her cowgirl boots!


Oh thank you Jewels! Those videos were the best ever :)
That was such a treat for us.
We can't wait to be there in July, and are already getting excited to see all of you.
Hugs and kisses
That outfit is adorable!!! Love the boots. The videos were great. It's funny how similar our little girls are. Maeve also points to all her body parts and loves saying hand and arm right now????
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