Today, she has improved a bit. She no longer has a fever. She's still not eating, but she is taking in more fluids. She still cries when she coughs (it hurts her throat). Tonight she is sleeping restlessly; I hope she will settle down soon.
Now Mommy is starting to feel yucky, too, and I am exhausted from worry and lack of sleep. Daddy has been great, but he's worn out too.
Anyway, I don't have the energy to do up a big entry like I wanted to, about the usual holiday gatherings and activities. Instead, I'll do a photo journal of the past few days, so you can get a glimpse of our holiday.
December 23: Gathering at Gram and Grandpa G.'s

December 24: Gathering at Great-Gram Market's
(We also stopped by the Maurice's for a bit before we went to Great Gram's, but I didn't get any pictures there. You can see why.)

December 25: Christmas Morning
(We also went to Aunt Steph's for breakfast, but I didn't get any pictures there.)

December 25: Christmas Dinner at Grandpa S.'s

Andrea and Jocey had the SAME Christmas dress!

December 26: Relaxing (?) at Home
No pictures of Andrea on the 26th. However, we were pleasantly surprised to have visitors from out-of-town: Jay and Karen; and Matt, Sue, and Maeve. Maeve liked Andrea's cowgirl hat!
December 27: Feeling a Bit Better

1 comment:
Sorry to hear that Andrea couldn't enjoy her Christmas very much. I hope both her and Mommy are feeling better real soon!
--Cute pic of Andrea and Jocelyn. They look like big sister and little sister :))
Love ya!
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