Thursday, January 04, 2007

Now That I've Cooled Off a Bit . . .

Yes, I am still very upset about the daycare's response to our situation. But, I think I said a few things in the heat of the moment that I didn't really mean. I feel bad for saying, "I am mad at Andrea," because, it's not her fault, either! This is just her personality, and she is developing at her own pace. Pushing her just makes it more difficult for everyone. So, I guess what I really feel is FRUSTRATION AT THE SITUATION, and not at specific people. I mean, I can see why the daycare has these policies, but they are maddening because these policies, in my opinion, DO NOT BENEFIT MY CHILD.

This is so hard, for so many reasons. Only the parents of a late walker can truly empathize with what we're going through. My sister sent me an excellent web page, with comments from parents and relatives of late walkers, and I found it very comforting and refreshing. It's from the Berkeley Parents Network, and it's called "Not Walking Yet." For the first time, reading this, I didn't feel so alone in my concerns about Andrea. It was also a relief to hear how many perfectly normal babies didn't walk until 18, 19, and even 22 months. Their stories are just like ours: doctors and physiotherapists say she is fine; physiotherapy will have no advantage for her; having to deal with other people's assumptions, comments and suggestions regarding our late walker, etc.

It all comes down to this: if I didn't have this DEADLINE from the daycare, I'd still be concerned about Andrea, but I wouldn't be freaking out over the situation like I am now. I might be confused and impatient as to why Andrea doesn't want to walk, but I'd accept it, and I wouldn't be so angry!

So, you know what? I'm putting this on the daycare! It's their fault I'm feeling so stressed, and it's their fault I have to force my daughter to walk when she's not ready.
But, we'll find a way to deal with this. So, fine. We have to set up babysitters again, just in case (and my mom-intuition says we will need them). So, Andrea might have to leave daycare for a few months. Right now, it's very stressful, but in the long run, this is just a bump in the road.

As one person said on the Berkeley site, '''Gee, I haven't noticed any kids crawling into Kindergarten -- I'm sure [s]he'll be fine!'' Remember, you can't MAKE them do anything!
[Sh]e'll walk when [s]he wants to, and that'll be that."


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, things have a way of working out. You and Rod are great parents! That little stinker will walk when she is ready and not before. Better get used to that side of parenting!

Anonymous said...

Guess I forgot to say that was from MomG.

Anonymous said...

See my comment under your entry "What are we going to do?"

You are just like me, get upset, get mad if need be, then cool down and take action. Don't feel guilty about your feelings. :)
The nut doesn't fall far from the tree....tee hee!

(I don't think that is a bad thing)
Love you big!

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