A friend of ours kindly thought of us when a friend of his mentioned he was throwing out some toys that his kids had outgrown. We got a toy box on wheels, and a great little kitchen set out of the deal. The kitchen set is perfect for Andrea, because she got all kinds of play food and dish sets from various people this Christmas, and now she has a kitchen to use it in! It's great when you get stuff like this from other parents--we washed it up, and it was good as new! And Andrea loves it! She especially likes putting things in the microwave and the fridge, and turning on the burner (it makes a sizzling noise).
Daddy is also trying to teach her to play golf, because the toy box came with a few plastic golf clubs in it. Andrea, however, prefers to chase after the ball and bring it back to Daddy!
On Friday night, Daddy went to a Red Wings game with his friends. On Saturday morning, while Daddy was at work, Andrea went into our bedroom and came out carrying his jersey! She then proceeded to play with it for a good half-an-hour straight, all by herself: hiding in it, wrapping up in it, and laying on it. It looks like we have a little Wings Fan on our hands. Daddy should be proud!

Daddy has been great about doing extra household chores now that Mommy's pregnant again. Tonight, just before he left for hockey, he put a clean load of laundry at the top of the stairs. Well, I guess Andrea decided that she felt like helping out. I couldn't believe it--she grabbed the laundry basket, and pushed it all through the living room, and down the hallway! I went to grab my camera to capture "Mommy's Little Helper" on film, but she was getting tired by that point. Still, she pushed it a bit further; then, she hopped in the basket, so I took her for a ride! Anyway, the result is a pretty cute video:
Finally, here is Little Miss Curiosity checking out the camera, resulting in a close-up photo:

1 comment:
I can't believe that Andrea is turning into a little girl!! She's still supposed to be a baby... they grow so fast!
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