After we dropped her off at her usual daycare room, we headed over to the church to get good seats. They gave us a program, and Andrea's name was in it! We now knew her role: she was an elf!
(My apologies--from here on, the pictures and videos are kind of dark.)
The teachers brought the Infants on the stage, and they were SOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Andrea didn't quite know what to make of it all at first. Her face was very serious, and her eyes were huge!

(Andrea is sitting, in a red dress, next to Miss K., who is in purple.)
Finally, Andrea caught sight of Mommy; and every time I caught her eye, she grinned at me!

Still, she seemed a little nervous up there. She was too preoccupied with what was going on around her to really perform. She did, however, enjoy chewing on the props!
Daddy captured video of the performance, pretty much from start to finish. As you'll see, there's a lot of Andrea just sitting with a poor little deer-in-the-headlights expression on her face. But once she got more comfortable, she let out a few excited squeals, played with the props, and even decided to stretch out on the stage for a bit! :)) (a deer in the headlights) (still a deer in the headlights) (gets more vocal; chews on the props) (chewing away; wiggling her feet to the music) (gives a half-hearted jingle; crosses her legs like a lady) (tries to stretch out; sees Daddy and smiles) (smiles at Daddy and yells, "Yay!")
1 comment:
Awwwww, How absolutely adorable!
So sweet it makes my teeth ache!
--and my heart too :)
The videos are great. Looks like you figured out your new camera.
Looking forward to more...
Hugs and kisses
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