Tonight I had the camera out to capture a game that Daddy and Andrea came up with. I guess you could call it, "Hey, who stole my milosh?" (Milosh--pronounced me-loash--is Daddy's silly word for pillow.) Daddy lays on the floor with a pillow from the couch; Andrea crawls over and yanks it out from under his head; Daddy says, "Hey, who took my milosh?"; Andrea grins and plops her head down on the pillow; then Daddy tickles her/wrestles the pillow back from her; and the game starts again. It's cute, unless you're an exhausted Mommy who really does want to curl up with a pillow on the floor, and Baby runs over and pulls it away from you (EVERY TIME!). :))

"I've got your milosh!"
*** (Say CHEESE!)
Hugs and Kisses for Mommy
"Eye?" (one of her favourite words)
Speaking of Andrea's favourite words, Daddy encouraged her to say a few for the camera/video. She actually says lots of words now, and copies a lot of things we coax her to say, but these are some of her favourites.
One last thing: no exaggeration--the digital camera is falling apart from overuse! I've had it for 3 years as of last month, and it's starting to show some definite signs of wear. Tonight, it stayed ON and would not shut off till Daddy fiddled with it. Then, the batteries fell out of it! But that's been happening for ages--the battery compartment hinge is so loose, the batteries fly out of it all the time. Geez. But if I get a new one, I'll want it to be high-quality. High quality equals high price, so I hope this camera will hang in there for a while yet!
Christmas is right around the corner Julie. You know how Grandma and Grandpa G. always need a list from the kids!!!!
Aunt C.
Maybe we'll get a new one for ourselves, for Christmas. :))We'll see.
Ok. You're killing me with the cuteness. Now my ovaries are aching. I want a little baby in the house! Wahhh... thanks.
I can't believe Andrea's talking...way to go. She's such a cutie.
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