Tuesday, September 19, 2006

First Blood Test AND First Hair Cut

Andrea's pretty mad at me right now, and I suppose she has a right to be. I took her out this morning, for what she thought was going to be fun and adventure; instead, in her opinion, Mommy took her to see bad people, who tortured her!

The RAST Test
Let's just say, this had to be one of my hardest moments as a Mom. They were trying to find a vein in Andrea's arm, and couldn't; I know how awful that is, because it always happens to me. Then, we ended up with three nurses in the room--two (plus Mommy) trying to hold Andrea still, and comfort her; and one drawing the blood. They only had to take one vial, but Andrea shrieked hysterically the whole time; and once, she even tried to roll off the table! But as soon as we were done, and I got her back in my arms, she calmed down right away. Poor baby! Mommy hates blood tests, and it looks like Andrea does, too. I completely understand her reaction! But the nurses were really nice, and they even gave her a sticker after, to cheer her up.

Here's a photo of her sticker: http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3441483 .

The First Hair Cut
Since we were already out, Andrea had calmed down, and it needed to be done, I took Andrea to get her first haircut. I thought she'd like it: seeing all the new stuff, sitting like a princess on Mommy's lap, and being told how beautiful she is.


It was like a repeat of the blood test. Even with a mirror to admire herself in, she sat in my lap and shrieked the whole time. She turned bright red, yelled at the top of her lungs, and tried to grab the stylist's hands every time she tried to comb or cut Andrea's hair. The lady was very sweet and patient, but I was ready to have a nervous breakdown. I felt so bad, because here I'd put my daughter through something stressful twice in one morning!

Anyway, we just managed to neaten up her hair a bit (it doesn't look any different besides being a bit more even-ended). But they gave her a certificate for her First Hair Cut, and took her picture with a Polaroid (gotta love the expression on her face), which I thought was pretty cute.

Here's a photo of her completed certificate: http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3441482 .

They also gave her a yellow lollipop, which definitely sweetened her temperament on the trip home. I let her have it, because we had to make one more stop, to pick up our prescriptions. A lady in line said to me, with a smile, "My goodness, she is wearing that sucker!"

I replied: "That's okay, I'm letting her enjoy it all she wants. She's had a tough morning!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can so sympathize...Maeve had an IV put in when she was about 3-4 days old. They had to call a special team to get the IV in...they said one more attempt and they would use a vein in her head :(...I know they wouldn't do that for blood...but could you imagine? It definitely hurts the parent more than the child...at least they forget.
That's great about Andrea's haircut...I like how they made a big deal about it. Hopefully next one won't be too bad.
Sounds like you are doing a great job at being mommy even during those stressful events.
Hope Andrea's test results come back soon.
Take care.xox

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