Andrea has discovered that there is a night-table in the spare room, with lots of "interesting" things in it. In general, this is a bad thing; but she did come out carrying this cute headband one day, and it's been a favourite toy of hers ever since!

We had two really nice days within the past week. Sunday was sunny, and about 60F, so we went for a walk down to the park (well, Andrea rode in her wagon). She got to go on the swings for the first time since the Fall--and she still loves them!

Andrea's newest song is one we can recognize quite clearly--"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." She sings it really well when no one's watching (of course). But, if we prompt her, she'll sing a bit for us. I got some of it on video, but she was more interested in doing her own thing . . . as usual. :))
Andrea has also become really interested in shapes recently. Her favourite is "circle," so she calls almost everything "circle" (even though she knows the real names). But my favourites are triangle and rectangle, which she makes even harder to say by adding a syllable or two: "tri-ri-ang-gug-ul" and "rect-tang-gag-gul." She also loves to do puzzles; her favourite, of course, is the shapes puzzle!
Yesterday, they had a "Green Day" at daycare, in honour of St. Patrick's Day. I swear to you, Andrea did not have a single green item in her entire wardrobe! So I went to the mall and bought her a green t-shirt for $4; then I went to the dollar store and found a bouncy headband for her. I knew she'd love it, because it was just like her star one she found in the spare room! Here's Andrea in her St. Patty's Day gear, before she headed off to daycare yesterday morning. Too cute!***
She also helped Mama mark essays today--in one case, literally! I had to laugh--she grabbed the red pen from my hand, and scribbled on one lady's sheet (oops!). When I turned her scribble sideways, it looked like a wiggly "A+"! Oddly enough, it was an A-level paper! I guess Andrea has some natural-born teacher in her. :)) The picture here is of afterwards, when I got out her own paper and markers, so she could keep me company while I marked.
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