Daddy is also trying to teach her to play golf, because the toy box came with a few plastic golf clubs in it. Andrea, however, prefers to chase after the ball and bring it back to Daddy!

Mommy's thoughts, and lots of pictures, to share with family and friends--from age 12 months and on.
I think what surprised me most about all this is that before, when they were talking orthotics and shoes inserts, I figured it would just be like adult shoe inserts--they go in the shoe, no big deal. But today they decided Andrea will need something that goes all the way from knee to toe, like a splint, on both legs. It will still go in her shoes, and under her pants, so it won't be very noticeable in the winter time. But still, that's a lot more to deal with than the little shoe inserts I was picturing.
But, I am glad we are doing this. Yes, she's walking, but anyone can see that from the knee down, her alignment is just not right. Her stance is too wide, and she walks like a robot. Plus, I was really concerned when they mentioned how it appeared to be affecting her back. She kind of overcompensates by jutting out her stomach, or leaning forward a bit--it's hard to explain.
They both said they can see she's very eager to walk now, so now's the time to get her all straightened out, before her awkward walking habits settle in for good. I agree.
On Saturday, February 11, we went to Mass, and a steak dinner, to celebrate Great-Grandpa Gagnon's 96th birthday. Andrea was really well-behaved during the Mass, but she didn't want to eat too much at the Hall. She did, however, chow down on Grandpa's chocolate eclair!
Grandma and Grandpa Gagnon gave Andrea a Valentine's Day present, which she opened on Sunday morning. She liked the bouncy heart ball, and the musical flower, but her favourite thing was the heart-shaped lollipops! Andrea LOVES lollipops.
Daycare is going well. The only thing I've heard is that Andrea is coughing a lot (no big surprise, since we're constantly sick).
Today was the first day they had been able to take the toddlers outside to play in the playground. It has been far too cold up until now. Guess how Andrea reacted? Her teacher told me she CRIED the whole time they were outside! :(( Admittedly, I haven't really taken Andrea out to play in the cold (because we're always sick), so it must have been really weird for her. Plus, she would not be used to being all bundled up in her bulky snowsuit. I hope she gets over this soon! It kind of made me sad, because I remember how much I LOVED playing in the snow as a kid--but then, I was raised in the county. :))