Saturday, September 16, 2006

Something New Every Day!

It seems like Andrea is learning something (or several things!) new every day. I can barely keep the blog updated!

Today she has been doing and saying all kinds of things. Most of it is just silly, but it's so much fun, I want to share it with you all. :))


Andrea's Reflection Friend: I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but Andrea has a new best friend. Guess who it is? Her own reflection! But it's a specific reflection, in a specific place--in the glass doors of our new entertainment unit! She lays on the floor, and talks to it; she smiles and waves; she bangs her toys against it (trying to share?); and so on. It's hard to catch in a photo, because the reflection doesn't turn out in the glass. I managed to get a bit of it on video, before Andrea noticed me. If you look really closely, you can see her reflection in the glass. I think this baby has inherited Mommy's imagination!


Sequins (sounds like "see-kin"): Mommy has a pyjama top that has a pink butterfly with sequins on it. Andrea has been fascinated by this butterfly for months! This morning she was fingering the sequins on it, and when I reminded her, "Sequins," she responded, "See-kin!" She said it for me two times; she also said it later for Daddy.


Acting Like a Puppy Dog?:

I don't think she has really been trying to act like a puppy dog--she just reminds me of one! Especially now, because as you can see in the picture above, she likes to crawl around the house with toys in her mouth. When she follows us around with this blue, bowl-shaped one in her mouth, it makes me think of a puppy begging for food!

She likes this bowl so much that she keeps it in her mouth, no matter what's going on, even when she tries to talk! And sometimes when she flips it up so it's over her nose, it sounds like a dog panting, or as I like to say, a Darth Vader mask! I got a video of that, but it doesn't do justice to the heavy-breathing noise.


Hello ("Allo!") and Using the Telephone: I forgot to mention, the other day, when I took that picture of Andrea holding the phone, I told her to say, "Hello!" and right away she said, "Allo!" Then, today, we gave her the phone to play with, and we said, "Say hello!" Andrea said, "Hi! Hi!" and proceeded to chatter up a storm on the phone, for about twenty minutes. Here are two videos of her chattering on the phone. The imagination is showing again!


Fun with Daddy: Well, she's always been Daddy's Little Girl (no contest), but they've had some cute moments together over the past two days, that I want to share.

Last night Daddy got her ready for bed, after her bath (Mommy was soaked--long story), and this is how her hair tuned out!

Today, when Daddy was playing with her, I got a video of him asking Andrea, "How big are you?" and her putting her arms up over her head to indicate, "Sooooooo big!" That's one she learned just recently. :))

And finally, Daddy took over the camera work for a bit. Well, you can see how much Andrea loves her Daddy, by the delight in her face, as she crawls toward him. But you can also see her confusion about why Daddy, and not Mommy, is behind the camera! The looks she gave him were so weird--and then she pulled the camera away from him!


Well, I think that's about it for now. Sometimes Andrea drives me crazy, but she's so darn CUTE!


Anonymous said...

She really is soooo cute!!!... Wen

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh...such a cutie. Maeve does the exact same thing with the phone...full head tilt and everything and also says yallo. She pretends everything is a phone, tv controls, toys, animals, etc. It's so fun to see them grow and learn. Thanks for sharing.

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