Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Macaroni and Cheese

Andrea's new food adventures continue. Today she ate raisins, and peas, at J.'s house; but she also tried rice, and the result was disastrous--multiple vomiting episodes, requiring two clothing changes. I guess Andrea doesn't like rice! (Poor J.--first day, Andrea pees all over; second day, she vomits!)

Andrea's having a rough day, too. She's come down with her second cold in 3 weeks. She's also cutting two more teeth in her upper left side, for a grand total of twelve!

But anyway, here's a little photo journal of Andrea's adventures with feeding herself macaroni and cheese (white cheddar kind) for the first time yesterday:


Forget the spoon--just dump it and dig in!

Hmm . . . the specimen has a squishy, yet solid texture . . .

Perhaps if I put it on my belly, I can ingest it by osmosis!

Is there any extra cheese sauce in here?


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