Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Making Our Own Fun

It's kind of hard to stay upbeat when both Mommy and Baby are sick, but we still managed to have some lighter moments today, in between the whining and sniffling. :p

Andrea Feeding Herself

Andrea is getting a lot more independent when it comes to her eating and drinking. In fact, she often gets frustrated when we are feeding her, because she wants to do it herself! I'm happy to see this change, but, it only lasts for a short while during each meal. I can give her the spoon, and she will carefully take up a neat scoop of food, just as carefully move it towards her mouth, and take amazingly neat bites for a 13-month-old; but, that only lasts for about 5 minutes. Then she wants to fling the spoon, stick her hands in the bowl, and spit her food out at me! Anyway, today she was doing great, so I thought, let's get this on camera! Yeah, right. The instant she saw the camera, she started acting goofy: spoon all over the place, hands in the oatmeal, etc.

The Cheek Popper

Now that the camera was out, she started pulling out all her tricks, so meal time was over. I can thank Grama in Montana for this one--cheek popping. It's when you put your finger in the corner of your mouth, and when you pull it out the right way, it makes a popping sound. Grama was doing that in Montana, and Andrea caught on; now she does it at home all the time! She does it more quietly than Grama or Mama (she hasn't quite got the technique perfected yet), but you can hear a few good ones now and then.

"Rude" Noises Make Andrea Laugh

Well, Andrea was suddenly went into a cranky spell, so Mommy had to pull out all the stops to make her laugh. I don't know what you would call this noise: the tongue-stick-out noise, the spitting noise, the fart noise, whatever. Anyway, lately, Andrea laughs like crazy every time Mommy does it! It's not exactly a polite noise, but hey, when Baby is sick and unhappy, whatever works . . . :))

Mommy's Slippers

Andrea follows Mommy and Daddy around the house like a little lost puppy dog, now that she can crawl all over the place. Today she joined me in our bedroom while I got dressed, and amused herself by playing with my slippers. I looked down, and noticed that she had put one on, all by herself, and she was chatting away and admiring it! Too cute!


Andrea looked and sounded a bit better today, but she still had some rather congested and grouchy moments. I think her throat may be bothering her a bit (mine is bothering me, too), because she wanted cold drinks all day long. It's also pretty boring being sick, and staying at home. I also think she misses Brig, who has gone back to school now. But Daddy has been doing his part, taking her out for short wagon rides the past few evenings, to get some fresh air and see some new sights. Not much else we can do but ride it out.

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