For a few weeks, she has been sitting in a booster chair at the kitchen table. She was a bit confused at first, and still headed to her high chair; but now she prefers the booster, because she can sit at the big table with Mommy and Daddy.
Now, it was time to quit the "bubba" cold turkey. She was down to morning and night, and as of two days ago, we've converted to sippy cups at those times as well. So far, it's going . . . okay. We get lots of whining, and she says "no, no, no" when we hand her the sippy cup, but she eventually gives in. It helps that I play up her "pretty cups" and Daddy pretends to drink her milk, and says it's "delicious," so she'll want some. Tonight that worked really well--he even got her to say "delicious!" after she took a sip!
The biggest change came today, when we moved her into the big girl room! Daddy and I spent the whole day installing and setting up and moving furniture and organizing toys (we had a relative of a friend do the painting this time). Andrea was a little miffed that we were so busy, but once the room started to come together, she had a lot of fun.
She loves the canopy over her bed; I have to be careful, and tuck it back a bit for now, because she likes to rub her face in it, and snuggle up in it! But she was also lying back on the bed, and staring up to admire it. One time, I told her it looked like a pretty princess bed; she picked up on that, and all afternoon, it was "princess, princess!"
She also enjoyed how I re-organized her toys. Her toys were scattered in about three different rooms, in a bunch of old diaper boxes, baskets, etc. Now she has an organizer in her room with removable tubs in it, and her toys are all neatly sorted (yeah, like that will last long!). This was really exciting for her, because we found toys she hadn't seen in months (as they were buried in the bottom of the old toy bins). So, it was kind of hard for Mommy to do the sorting, as Andrea wanted to play with every "new" thing she spotted; but at least it kept her happy and occupied.
Here are the pictures I took of her new room. The walls are a very light purple with a very light pink trim. I didn't get a picture of the wall with her toy storage, but I got her bed and dresser area.

(This is Andrea's door hanger that she made at Aiden's party last weekend.)
So far, the change in rooms appears to have gone over smoothly. She's been asleep for over an hour now, and hasn't fussed at all--even when we laid her down. We've got our fingers crossed! Now, I wonder how long it will be before she figures she can crawl out of bed, open the door, and wander out? ;))
Nighty-night, Andrea!
Tomorrow Daddy and I have to empty out what was the spare room closet, and move all of Andrea's things from her closet into her new room. Then, she should be completely settled in.
After that, if we feel up to it, we'll start setting up a few things for Bud . . . but there's no rush (I hope!).
I love her room! She looks so cute in the bed. I hope she transitions with no problems and stays in bed every night! Good luck!
Looks very cute. I'm feeling like a slacker. We're sure going to miss our office...but hopefully when the basement is finished we'll have that little bit more room.
Anyways I hope Andrea enjoys her big girl looks great!!!
How adorable! I can't wait to see it for real. And what good use of Mommy's "big girl furniture"
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