Today (Good Friday) we went to Uncle Marc and Aunt Kathy's house for an Easter party! First, Gram and Grampa G. stopped by to pick us up, and give Andrea her Easter present.
Then, we went to Uncle Marc and Aunt Kathy's. When we got there, Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Tony had an Easter present for Andrea, too. They got matching shirts for Andrea and Izzy!
Next, Andrea and Gram did a craft together. They painted a wooden Easter basket scene, that we can keep, and hang up as a decoration. They did a great job!
After a BBQ lunch and some dessert, there was a draw for a squares game we played. Andrea won second prize! She got some money for her piggy bank.
Next, it was time for the Easter Egg Hunt! We went out into Aunt Kathy and Uncle Marc's yard, and Grampa helped Andrea find the eggs. It was a lot of fun! Andrea got lots of great treats, and she loved the multi-coloured eggs.
Thanks Aunt Kathy and Uncle Marc, that was a great party! We had so much fun!
Oh, and one last thing . . . Andrea discovered the magic of the Whoopie Cushion.
Everyone said she was "making Daddy proud."
This video says it all.
Oh my goodness!!!!
Our grand daughter is truly a Gagnon...so proud of her fart noises! LOL ! Look out baby brother...sister has so much to teach you! :))
You all look like you were having so much fun. I wish we could have been there.
Happy Easter everyone!
xox Grandma Marty
That was too funny! I love how she tries to make evryone laugh by doing the excited scream/laugh the times when everyone else didn't. "Come ON guys, that was HILARIOUS!" she seems to be saying.
I miss the Pattison easter egg hunts. ; (all the nieces and nephews here are pre-teens, teens and twenties now.) Ack! Tyler and Brandon are the youngest, and they're 9 1/2 and 8 1/2. Ronnie and the twins are 20. WAhhh! Enjoy every minute!
All I can say about that video is "like father, like daughter!" She was too cute. Mom G.
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