Sunday, November 05, 2006

Birthday and Baptism

We had some important events in the Gagnon Family this weekend, and of course, we got some pictures of Andrea sharing in the fun.

Gram's Birthday

Gram's birthday was actually on Wednesday, but we got together to celebrate on Friday evening. We went out to a restaurant for dinner, where Andrea did really well, until she bit into a French fry that was too hot! Ouch! But a waitress brought her a little tray of ice cream after, and she liked that--although she didn't eat much of it, because she was too full of French fries!

Back at the house, we tried to get the little ones (Andrea and her cousin, Izzy) in on the birthday fun, but I think it they were both getting sleepy.

(You have to love the looks on the girls' faces here.)

Izzy's Baptism

On Sunday, we attended Izzy's baptism. She was so sweet in her beautiful gown, and a very good baby throughout the Mass and ceremony. I love her smile! :))

Andrea behaved very well in Church, too. In between the Mass and the Baptism, and after the Baptism while the family was taking pictures, we did a lot of things to keep Andrea amused:

  • Standing on the Pew: I think we need to borrow some pews from a church! Andrea stood up by herself, holding onto the back of the pews, for the longest time, just looking around at everything.
  • Reading the Hymns: She also enjoyed flipping through the hymn books with Grandpa.

  • Playing with a Doll: The doll actually belongs to Dana, Izzy's cousin from the Hage family. It has the eyes that open and close, and right away, Andrea was poking it in the eyes, and saying, "Eyes?"

  • Cuddling: It was actually around Andrea's nap time during Church, so we were taking turns cuddling her, and trying to get her to rest. But she was too curious to ever really settle down! Here's a cute shot of Andrea leaning forward to snuggle on Mommy, who's a pew ahead of her. :))

After the baptism, we went out for a very nice lunch. The highlight of the lunch, for Andrea, was the balloons that were at our tables.

Andrea and Dana had great fun playing with those balloons! In fact, Dana was Andrea's buddy for the whole afternoon. She played so nicely with Andrea. :)) Here's a video from the restaurant, of Andrea (and Dana) playing with the balloons.

Later, we went to Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Tony's to visit, and give Izzy her gifts. Izzy got a lot of "baby bling," and she's a precious little gift herself! :))


Anonymous said...

baby bling...haha. That picture of you and Andrea so beautiful. You should blow that one up and put it in a frame. Izzy is changing so much. THanks for sharing your pics.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the special moments that Andrea has. She changes with each blog entry.
I too, love the picture of Mommy and Andrea cuddling.

And...You just gotta love Izzy's smile :)
Won't it be fun to show the girls these pics when they are older!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker