Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Andrea's 2nd Birthday Party!
It was a beautiful day, and everyone had a good time. Of course, the birthday girl was so excited about her party that I didn't get her to nap until 1:30, and everyone arrived at 2:00, so they had to wait to see the star of the show!
I've decided the best way to chronicle the events of the day is to put up the pictures I took throughout her party:


Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Beat the Heat!

This is "Echo the Dolphin," the new pool mascot. Andrea got a big kick out of going for a ride on him.
Look, no hands!
I also managed to video Andrea doing a solo-swim with her water wings on. Like I said a few days ago, she just started wearing floaties this week, and she's already getting surprisingly independent with them.
By the way, Daddy had his turn trying to ride Echo, too. Unfortunately, he was not as successful!

Monday, July 09, 2007
More Family Fun

Thursday, July 05, 2007
Visiting Family :))
On Tuesday evening, Grandma Marty and Mommy picked up Andrea after daycare and brought her out to Essex, to visit, and see Aunt Claire's new house. Daddy was at a Tiger's game with some people from work, so we got to visit out there until the wee hours of the morning. Andrea was amazingly good, considering the long day she had!
Aunt Claire's new house has a nice pool, so Andrea wanted to go right in, even though it was a bit cold. It also happened to be the first time Andrea has ever worn water wings. She was a bit nervous when Mommy let go, and she was floating on her own, but she did pretty well.

After dinner, Andrea wanted to go in the pool AGAIN, so we put her on a raft and let her cousin Jordan escort her around the pool. She loved it--she was splashing, and laughing, and playing at passing the beach ball with him.

Yesterday was July 4, so in the evening, we all piled into Aunt Claire's van and crossed the border to go to Aunt Donna and Uncle Greg's. Their house is on a quiet cul-de-sac, and they and the neighbours have been having a July 4th fireworks party on their street for the past few years.
It was another long day for Andrea, but she held up great. After all, there were plenty of people to fuss over her (she was by far the littlest one there), lots of treats to eat, and a large bucket of ice to get into (she loves ice).
I was surprised by how well she handled the fireworks, especially since they lasted well past her bedtime. She only got scared at the loud, screaming kind of ones; and she kept running between Daddy and I, giggling nervously, and pointing to the sky. (By the way, I think they all broke the bank on those fireworks. They were great! And they had so many, they just stopped letting them off, because they got tired of it!)
We had to bring her U.S.A. hat Grandma Marty and Grandpa Rick got her when we visited them last year--it suited the occasion.

Andrea's cousin Caitlin was her special buddy last night.

Here's Andrea enjoying the fireworks from the comfort of Daddy's lap--they weren't too scary, then.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
It's VERY Relaxing!

Talk about relaxing! That must be the life . . . settling into a comfy swing, in the warm morning sun, with someone to give you push every now and then, and then you just drift off to sleep . . . :))
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Just Some Cute Pictures

She's a busy little Mommy--between caring for Dora, going shopping, and talking on her cell--and not to mention, looking good!
But, like any Mommy, she has to stop and put the little ones in line when they get rambunctious!
Who doesn't enjoy slipping into something more comfortable after a long day?!

Egg Roll loves to play with Andrea, and all of her toys. He leaps out at her; he sits on her plush chair; and he likes to hitch a ride on her shopping cart, when he can get away with it!
Andrea--you have a stow-away!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Introducing "Egg Roll": A New Playmate for Andrea!

This is Egg Roll. He (we think it's a he) is our new kitten. A long time ago, Mommy promised Daddy he could name our next cat Egg Roll (thinking it would be years before we'd get another cat, since we already had Buster). After Buster died suddenly last year, we knew that we'd get another kitty, but we didn't know when. A few weeks ago, Aunt Kathy told us she had a cat that had kittens, and the Humane Society couldn't take them. So, we decided to adopt one. He was born May 1st, and was just ready to leave his momma now.

Andrea was intrigued by him right away. She wanted to watch (and copy!) everything he did, right away. We're glad she's excited about her new friend, but we've got to keep her out of his food and litter! So, he's going to stay downstairs for now.

Andrea saw him trying to climb the cage he came in, and up the furniture. So, she decided to try and climb our wall! I love how Egg Roll was watching her as much as she was watching him!