Thursday, November 30, 2006
Andrea's Doing Better
Dr. H. listened to Andrea's chest and said she sounds really good. She told us to keep using the puffers for about 2 more weeks, and to finish the antibiotics as directed.
Andrea is much better. She still has a nasty sounding cough, but it's a lot less frequent. She doesn't sound wheezy anymore.
Her personality is fully restored (little stinker!) and that's our best indication that she is getting well quickly. :))
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
It's Time for Some GOOD NEWS
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Andrea's First Hospital Stay

Even with that, she was constantly picking/biting at her IV line (not because it hurt, but because she wanted to play with it), so they tried putting a sock over it. She looked like a little amputee!Well, that lasted all of 15 minutes. She just pulled it right off. So, they had to tape right over her IV line, and remove it when necessary.
The night was a blur. Doctors and nurses were constantly coming in and out to check on her, and give her medication. Andrea slept fitfully; she had a really hard time going to sleep, and woke up a bunch of times because of her coughing. Her cries were heartbreaking. A volunteer had brought in a rocking chair for us, and Daddy rocked and rocked and rocked her until she would fall back asleep. Mommy got to sleep on the hospital bed across the room (thank goodness, we never ended up with a neighbour, although it was close--they also needed a crib, but we were using it). Poor Daddy slept on two regular chairs, sitting up, with his head propped on a pillow against the wall.
Tuesday Morning: Andrea was awake around 5:00 a.m., so they came and did her vital signs check-up, gave her another Ventolin mask, and we also went and did the RSV test. It was really nasty. They stuck a little catheter in Andrea's nose and sucked out a bunch of mucous. Goodness, did she scream. It wasn't that it was so painful, but it feels weird, and kind of takes their breath away for a second.
Around 9:00, we got a chance to take Andrea down to the Playroom. It was really nice. There was a great range of toys. Some Clown Doctors happened to stop in, and Andrea was intrigued by them. She wasn't scared at all when they came and talked to her; she just smiled, and kept on playing. I didn't take any pictures of them, because Andrea had some other little friends she was playing with at the time; but I sneaked a couple pics of her playing with the toys, later.

"Hello? Is anybody there? Please, let me out!"
Tuesday Afternoon: Finally, around 4:00 p.m. or so, a nurse came in with our paperwork and said we could go home. We were so happy. I have never seen Daddy pack so fast before!
Here's the latest/summary:
- of course everyone fell in love with Andrea, especially the young resident doctors, who wanted to stay and play with her :))
- the doctors say Andrea probably has asthma, and she may contract Bronchiolitis again
- they gave us two puffers (one steroid, one Ventolin) for home use for the next week or so, as well as a liquid antibiotic
- Andrea will see the family doctor later this week
- right now she is sleeping well, and we hope she will continue to have a good night
- Mommy is taking the rest of the week off to fuss over Baby, and recover from the last 48 hours
Here's a video I got of Andrea, as she had one of her Ventolin treatments:
Finally, a special thank you to Gram and Grandpa G., who spent a couple of hours with us last night; Grandpa G., for stopping in again this morning; and Gram G. for having supper ready for us when we got home tonight. We know it's been a difficult week for you, too, so we appreciate your efforts all the more. :))
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Just this past week, she has finally begun to ENJOY walking around with us. When we take her hands, and help her to walk, she actually thinks it's FUN! She still takes huge, clumsy steps, and tires easily, but it is so great to see her showing interest in walking now.
Also, as Daddy was laying on the carpet tonight, letting Andrea crawl over him, she PUSHED HERSELF UP TO STANDING, with no help. I don't think she even realized what she had done. She pushed herself up on her legs, then took one hand off Daddy's back, then the other . . . and voila! She stood and looked around for a few seconds before dropping onto her bum. I was so excited! She hasn't pulled herself up like that before.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Good-bye Uncle Mick, We Love You
Uncle Mick was especially important to this family, because, well, without him, Mommy and Daddy might never have known each other!
You see, Mommy and Daddy met at Uncle Mick's 40th birthday party, 13 years ago; and it was love at first sight for both of us.
Uncle Mick was Grandma Linda's older brother; his wife, Aunt Claire, is Grama Marty's younger sister. So, it is a doubly painful loss for Daddy and I; both of our families are grieving.
Uncle Mick was a private, pretty quiet guy, but he loved his family, and he loved to play tricks! He had a great sense of humour.
And he thought Andrea was so cute. :)) Here is a picture of them from about a year ago, when Uncle Mick was going through his first rounds of chemo. He was a good sport about losing his hair, and people kept comparing his and Andrea's bald heads! He got a kick out of that. ;))

Uncle Mick with Andrea, Christmas Eve, 2005
Friday, November 24, 2006
Bubbles at Bathtime

Monday, November 20, 2006
On the way home, in the car, Grandma was helping Andrea practice her words. She said to Andrea, "Say Dada," and Andrea did. Then she got her to say Mama. Then, she tried to get her to say,"Grandma," and Andrea said, "No" (her new favourite word).
So, Grandma tried about two more times, "Dada . . . Mama . . . Grandma . . ."
And finally, clear as a bell, from the back seat, Andrea said: "Gama!"
Friday, November 17, 2006
Remembering Great-Grandpa M.
Mommy's Getting Stressed Out!
And she's still NOT WALKING.
She is doing great, and making progress, in all other areas: eating, drinking, talking, socializing . . . she's pretty much age-appropriate in all those areas.
But walking? Uh-uh. Nope. Nothing.
We're pretty much where we were 3 months ago--she'll stand up for a while if we stand her up, and we give her something to hold on to. But she doesn't try to cruise (walk hanging onto furniture), and she doesn't pull herself up. She gets on her knees, and she's content with that. I've even seen her trying to walk around on her knees a few times lately (very odd looking--is it a sign of progress? I don't know . . .).
When we try to walk around with her, holding her hands, she will take steps, but they are very big and awkward. I've noticed she has a tendency to walk/stand with a wide stance, and her feet kind of turned inward, like she's standing on her inner arches. It doesn't look as bad as it sounds; it's probably only noticeable to me, because I'm getting paranoid. And when we do get her to walk with us, she'll maybe get halfway across the room, then she'll plunk herself down and refuse to move, or at worst, she'll start to cry. You can't really make a baby walk.
(Her newest trick--sticking her tongue out at me, when I stick my tongue out at her!)
We don't carry her much, so that's not a problem; she's just too content with crawling! She crawls everywhere.
We've tried standing her up against the couch, the wall, hanging onto the railing, hanging on to her play table, etc., but she won't try walking, even hanging on to stuff. We've tried enticing her with things that usually off limits, her favourite toys, food, etc.--but she either gets down and crawls, or gives up and goes to find something else to play with.
So why this sudden, repeated outburst of angst on Mommy's part?
Well, quite simply, DAYCARE. We're getting more and more pressure from them to get Andrea walking, because she has to move to the Toddler Room in January; and if she's not walking, they won't move her up. They are very nice about it, and say they are really encouraging her to walk on her feet (which is great), but it's frustrating to keep hearing them say, basically, "Make sure you're working with her at home, too . . . " Of course we are! Andrea's probably totally irritated by me lately, because every time I get my hands on her I'm trying to get her to stand/walk!
I've been told by so many people, and read so much information, that basically says not to worry, as long as baby is progressing normally in other areas (which she is), and that I shouldn't be concerned unless she's not waking by 18 months.
So, now the question is, should I make an appointment with Andrea's doctor? I know she will either a) say to wait until Andrea's 18 months before worrying or b) refer us to the pediatrician again, who will likely say the same thing as our family doctor. I don't want to waste time in their offices if they're only going to tell me what I already know.
On the other hand, what if Andrea isn't walking consistently by 18 months of age? What will the daycare do with her? I don't want her to be left behind, or kicked out, because her walking skills aren't up to par. What if this is something we should address now--because really--Andrea's only got about 8 weeks left to learn to walk well, and she's not even pulling herself up yet! I wish I could call my doctor and just ask her, instead of having to go in for an appointment, and see if there's something more we should be doing, or if an appointment is even necessary. But she doesn't work that way (as I know from past experiences). Sigh.
I got some videos last night of some of Andrea's non-walking habits, and some of my attempts to get her moving:
- The closest thing she does to pulling herself up is kneeling:
- She'll move from kneeling to one flat foot, but that's it:
- She's standing at the toy, but won't move:
- She has such long arms, she can get away with reaching, instead of walking:
- Here's a closer look at her stance, and the way she places her foot:
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Birthday and Baptism

(You have to love the looks on the girls' faces here.)
Izzy's Baptism
On Sunday, we attended Izzy's baptism. She was so sweet in her beautiful gown, and a very good baby throughout the Mass and ceremony. I love her smile! :))

Andrea behaved very well in Church, too. In between the Mass and the Baptism, and after the Baptism while the family was taking pictures, we did a lot of things to keep Andrea amused:
- Standing on the Pew: I think we need to borrow some pews from a church! Andrea stood up by herself, holding onto the back of the pews, for the longest time, just looking around at everything.
- Reading the Hymns: She also enjoyed flipping through the hymn books with Grandpa.
- Playing with a Doll: The doll actually belongs to Dana, Izzy's cousin from the Hage family. It has the eyes that open and close, and right away, Andrea was poking it in the eyes, and saying, "Eyes?"
- Cuddling: It was actually around Andrea's nap time during Church, so we were taking turns cuddling her, and trying to get her to rest. But she was too curious to ever really settle down! Here's a cute shot of Andrea leaning forward to snuggle on Mommy, who's a pew ahead of her. :))

After the baptism, we went out for a very nice lunch. The highlight of the lunch, for Andrea, was the balloons that were at our tables.