Everything went well at Andrea's 12-month check-up yesterday morning.
She weighs 25 pounds, 4 ounces!
The doctor addressed all my concerns about Andrea's development. She said if Andrea is at least trying to crawl (which she is), I have nothing to worry about. :))
I also talked to the doctor about allergies. Andrea sounds stuffed up a lot; she rubs her nose and scratches the inside of her ears quite a bit, too. Also, she had some hives on her thighs from sitting on the grass at her party on Sunday. Plus, Rod and I both have allergies. The doctor said we can't test her until she's four years old, but it sounds like she's inherited our allergies. The best we can do is make her comfortable (Cortaid cream for itches), and keep an eye on her symptoms for the next few years.
Andrea was so cute with the doctor--smiling, and grabbing her stethoscope, and chatting away. That is, until immunization time! Once that one-year booster shot went into her thigh, she
howled for a few minutes straight. At least the doctor had warned me this one would hurt, so I was expecting Andrea's reaction! But within 5 minutes she was completely back to normal.
Last night, though, she went to sleep around 7:30 pm, and then woke up at 8:30 pm. She felt a bit warm, so Gram and Grandpa G. (babysitting while Mommy and Daddy went out to celebrate their 2nd anniversary) gave her some Tylenol drops, and let her get up for a bit. When we got home, I changed her from pajamas into a cooler t-shirt. We tried laying her down again around 9:45 pm, but she wouldn't have it. She
wailed. So, Daddy got her up and cuddled with her in the living room. We gave her ice water to drink, and sat up with her until about 11 pm, when she finally went to bed. Poor little thing! Between her whirlwind weekend and her booster shot, her normal routine has gotten really off track.
But today (Tuesday) she is feeling much better, and seems to be back to her normal self--except she had a 2.5 hour nap this morning! I think she needed to get caught up on her sleep. ;))

Lookin' good--new outfit, new chair, new drums!